Appreciate What Makes you Unique

Uncovering your strengths and how you best perform is information that can be hard to access. Start your journey of self-discovery now by completing the GRI survey.

The results provide you with insights into your strengths that impact the way you work and how you balance your agenda with outside-work activities.

Uncover what makes you stand apart. Maximize your potential by taking the GRI survey today.

How the GRI works

Uncover what makes you unique. GRI’s adaptive profile measures how you perform and adapt to the environment.

Of all the facets of your personality that make up your talent, the behavioral/emotional characteristic is the hardest to assess! Let the GRI solve the mystery.

The GRI adaptive profile uncovers how you communicate, build relationships, set goals, make decisions, learn, develop leadership, and more.

The better you know your unique talents and how to perform best, the more likely you are to succeed.

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What Makes You Perform Better at Work?

The answer to this question starts with more reliable information on your talent and the way you can grow.
Once uncovered and shared it will help you:

Develop self-awareness and confidence.

Ace interviews by helping you verbalize your talents.

Find work with people who understand you.

Find a job that fits with your talents and potential.

Maintain trusted relationships with your colleagues.

Find a manager who provides support when you need it.

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Live a Meaningful and Purposeful Life

Uncover your unique talents and start using them at home and work, and with a job that’s aligned with your potential.

Apply what you learn from the GRI to set your goals, celebrate your achievements, communicate, and build relationships that work.

Start today by receiving feedback on your adaptive profile.

It All Starts With GRI's Adaptive Profile

The power of the GRI does not stop when you leave the office.
Discovering your talents through your adaptive profile not only sets you up for better performance at work but in your personal life as well.

Equipped with greater self-awareness and confidence in sharing your talents, you will more likely:

Feel motivated and engaged

Be confident

Set and achieve your goals

Be fulfilled

Experience success

People who use their adaptive profile are more likely to work with their natural strengths and avoid or reduce stress, anger, and other negative emotions that hinder creativity and performance.

What’s Next?

GRI is more than a behavior profile

Uncovering your talents through your GRI profile is just a start. You can use the GRI to transform your hiring and management dramatically, and how you grow your organization.

Whether you want to become certified to the GRI, or get assistance, we are here to help you get the most out of your hiring and management.

Connect with Growth Resources

Complete the form, and we will contact you to discuss how we can assist you and your company.