Getting More Scientific Insights into Human Dynamics

Understanding how individuals develop and interact using scientific methods and experience is crucial to any organization's success.

The quest to understand people and their behavior isn’t new—not by a long shot. That’s not surprising since human beings are fascinatingly complex, and their behavior is often challenging to predict.

Yet when organizations can understand what intuition, emotion, and behavior mean and how behavior can be measured, labeled, and represented, they gain an incredible advantage in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace.

When it comes to organizational design, individual knowledge is only one part of the picture. Such insights also need to extend to jobs, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and the performance of the whole organization. The GRI is designed and validated to do just that.

A complete understanding of the power and application of this knowledge is developed during our masterclasses facilitated by GRI consultant professionals.

The Origin of the GRI

The creation of GRI and its methods and tools was inspired by work done over the last 100 years in studying personality dimensions, academic research on organizational behavior, and, more recently, emotions and neuroscience.

Our philosophy and implementation of GRI's system are informed by the most recent research studies in personality assessment and our institutional observations with GRI advanced users and consultants.

We apply scientific rigor to the GRI surveys and how the measurements are reported, shared, learned, and implemented to accelerate leadership development and improve workplace performance.

Continuously Updated

The Growth Resources Institute continues researching entrepreneurship, quiet diversity in executive teams and boards, sports teams, leadership development, and work environment adaptation.

The checklists and statistics that power GRI's adaptive profiles are evaluated and adjusted regularly to ensure we provide the most up-to-date measurement quality and validity. Our algorithms used to generate profiles (our secret sauce) are continuously challenged to ensure accuracy and relevance.

GRI's methods and tools are developed and validated in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Guidelines and the professional standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP).

At the Growth Resources Institute, we are dedicated to ensuring that the adaptive profiles are work-related, valid, reliable, and free of bias. Upon request, we provide criterion-related job validity studies to our clients, which can cover multiple jobs, industries, and countries.

Get Started Today

Contact us to discuss how we can assist you and your company.