The GRI survey is a proprietary, validated assessment that offers new insight into the behavioral/affective component of someone’s personality, the way he or she develop skills, adapts to the environment, and perform.

The power of the survey resides not only in its accuracy, reliability and ease to take, but also on its large scope of use in a variety of situations including personal development, recruitment, leadership and organizational development.

The short answer is that a person’s Natural doesn't generally change that much, but their Role profile may change more often since environments change more often.

A more detailed answer is that it depends on different factors. The Natural does not change for most people, but it may for a very few of us, depending also on the intensity of each factor and the visibility of the profile. If you consider profiles that are retaken after long periods of times, for example, after five years or more, Natural profiles are most often consistent in shape and intensity with the first survey results.

As with measurement in any field of science, it is possible to fake the results if you really put some effort into it! However, it’s hard to do that and very unlikely to happen with the GRI.

For the first question in the survey, it’s up to you to decide how you want to answer it; there is not much to fake. When we become aware of a situation where someone has tampered with their profile results, we will send a warning at that time. We have internal solutions for dealing with these unlikely cases.

We use key metrics for tracking the benefits of implementing GRI’s tools and techniques. Performance indices can include time spent in interviewing and other recruitment costs, employee turnover and retention rate, sales volume, customer satisfaction, time to market, etc.

GRI also has its own metrics to assess employee engagement, job fit and cultural alignment.

The GRI survey may be taken from the home page of our website, or you may receive an invitation by email to take it online. You may also be provided with an invitation code to enter in the GRI platform and take the survey.

The survey can be taken from a tablet, laptop, and cell phone or even in paper/pencil. It generally takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

You can share your profile within the organization once you have authorized sharing, or if the organization with which you took the GRI survey authorized it.

If you have taken the GRI survey on your own, you can share with your contact once they have taken the GRI survey too, although you may be limited in the number of people to compare with, until a Service and License Agreement (SLA) covers your use of the GRI for your team.

The dimensions and profiles measured by the GRI are universally valid, work related, and free of cultural biases.

In a global environment where it is critical to be able to understand and assess people from different cultures, both the GRI behavior survey and the PBI survey for assessing behaviors in jobs, are translated into multiple languages.

The GRI was developed and validated in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Guidelines, as well as the professional standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP).

Growth Resources is dedicated to conducting research that ensures the GRI profiles are work-related, free of bias, valid and reliable. Upon request we provide on-demand criterion-related job validity studies to our clients, which can cover multiple jobs, industries and countries.

The GRI survey assesses a limited number of core dimensions of personality, motivation, and adaptation that form a nuanced understanding of people. In contrast, most other systems assess a list of traits or types that often overlap and can be used differently by different people.

By combining the visual profiles with performance analytics, the GRI is used seamlessly in many applications, whereas most systems are restricted to a few of them.

The GRI brings executives and managers a more effective way to make decisions and build a performance-driven organization; most systems remain in the hands of few people.

Yes, the GRI survey is reliable and valid for use in hiring. Thorough statistics have been performed to insure validity and reliability and demonstrate that the survey does not have an adverse impact on people of different sexes, ethnic backgrounds, or ages.

The GRI was devised for workplace-related applications. It does not measure clinical traits. It assesses dimensions that are already assessed by other techniques in the workplace, including methods like interviews, but it does so more objectively and effectively with a visual language that removes some pervasive biases that may exist in the organization.

In order for recruiters to make use of the GRI in the recruitment process, they need first to attend a GRI training with a focus on what pertains most to recruitment: attracting, selecting, interviewing, and onboarding appropriate candidates.

For groups of recruiters in larger organizations, the training can be organized with remote sessions, or in a blended way by combining on-site and remote sessions. We assist with implementing the GRI into the recruitment processes, defining PBIs, and determining when to deliver feedback and conduct interviews.

While your organization should do whatever is most comfortable according to its culture, we recommend that the GRI survey be taken before candidate pre-selection and interviews.

With the GRI insights in hand, you can better refine your judgment, adapt your communication, make better use of the interviewing time while including other important aspects of a candidate needed to be assessed in the job. You can better focus your questions and your positioning of the job appropriately for each candidate.

Line managers use the GRI to develop their leadership, interview and recruit new team members, and improve their team’s performance. This starts with attending a GRI certification.

The certification is organized online, on-site, or in a blended way by combining online and on-site sessions. Along with leadership development professionals at your company, we remain available to assist in the implementation of the GRI in teams and with new candidates.

A behavior profile for a position, or PBI (Position Behavior Indicator), defines the most frequent behaviors required in a job. Without the PBI, that’s a difficult profile to define and agree upon.

The PBI helps managers reach a consensus on this behavioral profile. It serves as the key outline for making sure the behaviors expected in a position are aligned with the organization's strategy. It also makes it easier to get the right person into the job the first time.

The survey for a position, or PBI (Position Behavior Indicator) survey, is a 24-item survey in which propositions are rated from 1 to 5 for their frequency to the position.

Items, for instance, include "Lead new plans and initiatives decisively and with authority " or " Follow procedures and comply with standards or rules ".

Some statistics are applied to the answers and a profile is drawn that represents the most frequent behavior expected in the job by the one who answered the survey. The answers are then compared and discussed with others.

Everyone can adapt but how much one needs to adapt depends on the GRI profile and the behaviors expected in the position.

The more a job requires different behavior, the more energy and support is needed in order to adapt to it, as well as time needed to recover from the effort.

The behavior profile for a team or TBI (Team Behavior Indicator) defines the strategy of an organization for a team, department or whole company in term of the overall behavior that each needs to display.

Although you naturally find different profiles within groups of people, the TBI sets the general tendency that needs to be matched to a minimum level and at some point in time by the group members.

The GRI survey is simple to take, and you can get the behavior profiles instantly. The results are concise, positive, and always bringing value for enhancing job and teamwork performance; they are memorable. You continue building knowledge on people and your business with them.

The GRI certifications are amazingly powerful for learning about people and their organization in a short amount of time, with support from GRI experts.

The GRI certifications' collaborative experience is the most effective and enduring way to increase social awareness and decision-making quality about people at a higher speed.

GRI certifications are highly interactive experiences in which participants develop a deep understanding of the GRI measurements and, most importantly on how to apply that knowledge to improve individual and company performance.

Participants work on real cases from their organizations and leave the sessions with insights and actionable solutions for current challenges.

The knowledge and confidence gained in the GRI are immediately put to use in recruitment interviews, performance reviews, conflict resolution, leadership development, or any of the myriad performance-related issues people are faced daily.

A 360-degree survey informs us on the impressions we have about others and how we see them. In contrast, the GRI profile reveals how someone is influenced by others to change (the Role profile), as well as their intrinsic motivation, which is not informed by a 360-degree survey.

There are different types of 360-degree surveys, and those that best complement the GRI suggest how teammates can improve without making personal judgments. The GRI provides incremental information on how our impressions of others are formed and invites us to look at job requirements, too, in order to resolve potential friction or improve performance.

Engagement surveys exist in different forms, including the recent advent pulse surveys thanks to the Internet and mobile interfaces. The GRI provides a different assessment of engagement, which results from the interaction between individuals and their environment.

The Engagement Level measured by the GRI survey does not require assessment on a regular basis as pulse surveys do, but only after key events such as a promotion or a training.

Although the information provided by engagement surveys is valuable, as it is with 360-feedback, the GRI provides additional information that helps improve teammates’ engagement by revealing their intrinsic motivations. At the same time, the GRI is more objective and nuanced about the organization’s needs.

More nuanced and objective information about people can benefit and enhance one-on-one conversations with executive coaches and group sessions. However, a traditional executive coaching approach does not typically get involved in hiring, the point at which many issues with employees may start. Neither does executive coaching traditionally get involved in organizational development, where issues may have also started.

Some of our GRI professionals have successfully coached leaders for decades; some of them have received certification from international coaching associations. They all understand the limits of a traditional executive coaching approach and the benefits of the GRI seminar for removing the pervasive effects of biases.

The GRI provides executives and managers a visual language that can remove frictions ahead of time and help coaching be more impactful.

The first step to deploying the GRI in your company is becoming knowledgeable about the system and its use through certifications, with support from GRI professionals.

GRI advanced certification is the most critical component. The executive retreat and certifications for managers are deployed according to your company’s current and future needs. GRI Intermediate certification provides frontline managers with the tools and experience to accelerate the development of their management skills early on.

Our assistance extends to helping you make presentations and providing support within your organization.